Holistic Mind & Body Wellness Sessions

Hi, my name is Marky! I am a fully qualified holistic therapist and have been passionate about health and wellbeing for most of my life.
​​The human body is a sensitive and complicated lab. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health works as a system with each part contributing equally to the whole being. Therefore, any dysfunctions that are treated separately cannot be effective in the long term. I'm here to assist you with all matters of the mind, body & spirit, whether it's mental health, releasing deeply rooted trauma, limiting beliefs, addictions, chronic stress and so much more.
I am here to listen to you, educate you, guide you safely through the process, answer all of your questions and help you heal & glow.
Work 1:1 with Marky
Every human on the earth came to this life to learn - through opportunities, happiness & joy, pain & suffering, forgiveness, growth and healing. When our spirit finds it's purpose, it needs the body to thrive in good health. The mind is a messenger - processing and calibrating messages & feelings between spirit and the physical body (and it's a huge job!) The whole person needs to stay in tune in order to be in good health and to fulfil their purpose in life.
A holistic mind & body session entails a detailed overview of your mental, physical & spiritual health and wellbeing. Physical illnesses can often be a result of mental blocks, lifetime trauma & other psychological disturbances - or example, grief, guilt, hate, etc. As a result of this, your body weakens and physical functions are compromised and the first signs of this are always digestive problems and a lack of energy. In these sessions we progressively work towards finding the root cause of your illness. These sessions include trauma release, counselling, mental & spiritual coaching. Follow up sessions & self care support are scheduled as required until you feel strong & knowledgeable enough to continue the journey on your own. Below are some of the healing modalities we may explore together...
"At Vital Alchemy, we strongly believe that everything in life is multi-dimensional. That's why we look at health holistically from every angle possible."
Holistic Counselling
​Holistic Counselling is a unique method of finding balance of all components of the human being, treating them as a whole. Mental imbalances and their causes are deeply rooted and need your whole being to realise, forgive, cleanse, re-energise and learn to love yourself the way you deserve. Only then can you heal and find your true purpose for this beautiful journey called life. In our sessions, you will feel understood, supported, nurtured and loved. We will discover the reasons behind your suffering and remove them from your life.
Individuals (including children), couples and parent/child counselling sessions take place in the comfort of your home, office or anywhere you may be in the world. Our therapeutic approach may consist of: talking & listening, regressive therapy, timeline therapy, art therapy, energy healing, breathing techniques and much more. Your first appointment however, will consist of a detailed overview of your state and situation so we can together decide on the best suited approach for you.
Remember, no one else can make it happen but you. If you are reading this right now, you've already made the first step towards something truly beautiful.
Root Cause Therapy
Root-Cause Therapy is a trauma healing method which uses regression to allow the completion of unprocessed emotions which are still presently causing unwanted thoughts, behaviours and symptoms. One of the main physical symptoms we see everyday are digestive issues. All other debilitating conditions that are always associated with unresolved trauma are eating disorders & other addictions, anxiety, depression, fatigue, chronic stress, learning difficulties and more.
We use kinesiology testing (sway test) that helps us to identify those unconscious limiting beliefs that compromise your potential for improving your mental health and reaching your life goals.
We help you tap into your self-healing mechanisms of the deeper parts of your mind. Through regression, you will travel to your past and find the root-cause of each limiting belief found in the test. Events and the associated emotions are found and by using special techniques they are removed from your body and mind. Assumptions and ‘theories’ are no longer necessary as we create a way for your mind and body to consciously access and reassess from a clearer perspective. This method is suitable for children from around 12 years of age.
Classic Hypnotherapy
During a hypnotherapy session, you will be guided through a process to induce a trance-like state that helps you focus on your mind, respond more rapidly to suggestions and become deeply relaxed. Classic hypnotherapy utilizes your heightened awareness of your hypnotic state to help you focus on your problem more deeply.
Classic hypnotherapy will be more suited for you if you want to work on a specific event/trauma or when working with children. For example, if you have experienced a car accident or you know that your mental state is affected by someone abusive, we can start removing these particular stressors from your body. This method is also suitable for children of a young age that are able to receive & follow instructions to some extent.
Each session with Marky is structured so that she can help you prioritise and work through life-long symptoms and past hurts in a gentle yet thorough way. The number of sessions required varies from client to client. We usually need 3-5 sessions, however with addictions it may take longer.​